Tags: barabasi, black swan, cantor, e.o. wilson, eusocial, fractal, gladwell,kelly, leibniz, long tail, mandelbrot, power law, scale-free, superorganism
In the Mandara Mountains of northern Cameroon live the Mofu, ethnic tribes whose culture is based on a reverence for social insects. Their favorite is a breed of ferocious red ant known to them as jaglavak. There are many other species too: ndroa, mananeh and ndakkol. These names all have one thing in common: they are both plural and singular. Jaklavak refers equally to one ant, a colony of ants, or all the ants in the world.
When we look at an ant colony, we see a group of individual units, but when the Mofu look at an ant colony, they see a single being. Whether you zoom in on one ant, or zoom out to see a whole colony, each of these scales presents a unique and singular entity. The ant and the colony each has its own properties, behaviours and adaptations. If this view resonates with you, then you are thinking scale-free.
Scale-Free Mathematics
Imagine a line of fixed length. Now split that line into thirds and remove the middle third, leaving you with two lines. Now split each of those into threes and remove the middles, so that you have four lines. Keep splitting each line, again and again, to infinity. Now, how long is the total set of lines and spaces? Still the same original fixed length, of course. But how many smaller lines and spaces is it made up from? Infinite lines and infinite spaces. So is this new shape of fixed length or infinite length? That is exactly the thought experiment introduced by German mathematician Georg Cantor in 1883 when he defined the Cantor set:
The unique thing about a Cantor set is its simplicity. Taking the result of a very simple process and feeding it back into itself over and over, ad infinitum, results in a highly complex shape. This process, known as recursion, creates a shape where no matter how far you zoom in, it always looks the same as where you started. At any magnification, the parts are similar to the whole. In mathematics, this property came to be called self-similarity, and it marks the dawn of formal scale-free thinking. ...
The Self-Organizing Universe is a seminal book by Erich Jantsch that deals with self-organization as a unifying evolutionary paradigm that incorporates ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Self-Organizing_Universe - 1 |
The underlying paradigm for cosmology is theoretical physics. The EDU research community explores how it might be extended by including insights from evolutionary developmental biology. In the neo-Darwinian paradigm, adaptive evolutionary development allows the production of ordered and complex structures. More specifically, we can distinguish evolutionary processes which are contingently adaptive and developmental processes which produce systemically statistically predictable structures and megatrajectories internal to the developmental cycle. By analogy with the evolutionary development of two genetically identical twins, would two initially parametrically identical universes each exhibit unpredictably separate and unique evolutionary differentiation over their lifespan, and at the same time, a broad set of predictable developmental milestones and shared structure and function between them? More generally, can we model our universe as an evolutionary developmental system?
John Smart
EvoDevoUniverse ?
A Framework for Speculations on Cosmic Culture
in Cosmos and Culture, Steven J. Dick (ed.), NASA
Press (forthcoming).
Abstract evodevouniverse
underlying paradigm for cosmology is theoretical physics. In this paper
we explore ways this framework might be extended with insights from
information and computation studies and evolutionary developmental
(evo-devo) biology. We also briefly consider implications of such a
framework for cosmic culture. In organic systems, adaptive evolutionary
development guides the production of intelligent, ordered and complex
structures. In such systems we can distinguish evolutionary processes
which are chaotic, creative, and contingently adaptive, and
developmental processes which produce convergent, conservative, and
systemically statistically predictable structures and trajectories.
analogy with two genetically identical twins, would two parametrically
identical universes each engage in unpredictably different and unique
evolutionary pathways over their lifespan, and at the same time, share
a broad set of predictable developmental milestones, structure and
function between them? We suggest so.
We will briefly model our
universe as an informational, evolutionary and developmental system−as
an info evo devo universe (abbreviated ‘evo devo universe’ hereafter).
Our framework will try to reconcile the majority of apparently
unpredictable, evolutionary features of universal emergence with a
special subset of statistically predictable and apparently
developmental universal trends, including:
• accelerating emergences (significant advances), in universal complexity, a pattern seen over the last half—but not the first half—of the universe’s history
• increasing spatial and temporal locality of universal complexity development
apparently hierarchical emergence of increasingly matter- and
energy-dense, and matter- and energy-efficient ‘substrates’ (platforms)
for adaptation and computation
• the
apparent accelerating trend, on Earth, toward increasingly
postbiological (technological) systems of physical transformation and
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin independently formulated very similar theories describing the gradual development of the Universe from subatomic particles to human society and beyond. Teilhard's theories are better known in the West (and have also been commented on by Julian Huxley), and integrate Darwinian evolution and Christianity, whilst Vernadsky wrote more purely from a scientific perspective, and his ideas contributed to Gaia theory.
Three classic levels are described. Cosmogenesis (Teilhard) or the formation of inanimate matter (the Physiosphere of Wilber), culminating in the Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, etc (Teilhard), or collectively, the Geosphere (Vernadsky). Here progress is ruled by structure and mechanical laws, and matter is primarily of the nature of non-consciousness (Teilhard - the "Without").
This is followed by Biogenesis (Teilhard) and the origin of life or the Biosphere (Vernadsky, Teilhard), where there is a greater degree of complexity and consciousness (Teilhard - the "Within"), ecology ((Vernadsky) comes into play, and progress and development is the result of Darwinian mechanisms of evolution.
Finally there is human evolution and the rise of thought or cognition (Vernadsky, Teilhard), and a further leap in complexity and the interior life or consciousness (Teilhard), resulting in the birth of the Noosphere (Vernadsky, Teilhard). Just as the biosphere transformed the geosphere, so the noosphere (human intervention) transformed the biosphere ((Vernadsky). Here the evolution of human society (socialization) is ruled by psychological, economic, informational and communicative processes.
For Teilhard there is a further stage, one of spiritual evolution, the Christing of the collective noosphere, in which humanity converges in a single divinisation he calls the Omega Point.
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The universe is progressing in a direction toward greater intelligence, conscious awareness, & self-understanding. The dark universe becomes gradually more lit up with consciousness. |
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This sourcebook documents the rising
vision of an organically developing universe, a cosmic genesis, by way
of an annotated bibliography and anthology with over 1500
Instead of an alphabetic list, its outline conveys this once and future
narrative of a quickening, numinous creation which involves human
participation. Of special note will be a respectful accord
with prior
wisdom and how it might advise a better, more tolerant, sustainable
Cosmic Evolution
An excellent site illustrating the evolution from the big bang to present day humanity and future
Cosmic evolution is the scientific study of universal change. It is an intellectual framework that offers a grand synthesis of the many varied changes in the assembly and composition of radiation, matter, and life throughout the history of the universe. While engaging the time-honored queries of who we are and whence we came, this interdisciplinary subject attempts to unify the sciences within the entirety of natural history—a single broad scientific narrative of a possible origin and evolution of all material things, from an inferred big bang to humankind. (Closely related subjects include epic of evolution, big history, and astrobiology).
director of the ISCS is Peter A. Corning,
Ph.D., who is known especially for his work on the causal role of synergy
in evolution, most notably in his ... www.complexsystems.org/ - 8k - |
The Center supports the efforts of interdisciplinary groups of researchers that take a complex systems approach to the phenomena they study. These groups are composed of University of Michigan faculty (Primary CSCS Faculty and Associated CSCS Faculty), researchers and students. CSCS also has a number of active research partnerships with organizations such as the Santa Fe Institute, Ford Research Laboratories and Argonne National Laboratory, among others.
A list of CSCS research groups, both active and inactive, with links to further information.
Lotka (the guy from Lotka-Voltera equations) said,
"The principle of natural selection reveals itself as capable of yielding information which the first and second laws of thermodynamics are not competent to furnish. The two fundamental laws of thermodynamics are, of course, insufficient to determine the course of events in a physical system. They tell us that certain things cannot happen, but they do not tell us what does happen."Evolution
of Complex Systems. 1 Table of Contents; 2 Motivation. 2.1
Challenges; 2.2 Hierarchical Life Units (Symbiotic Hierarchical Evolution)
... www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/ |
Abstract: We review the recent fast progress in statistical physics of evolving networks. Interest has focused mainly on the structural properties of random complex networks in communications, biology, social sciences and economics. A number of giant artificial networks of such a kind came into existence recently. This opens a wide field for the study of their topology, evolution, and complex processes occurring in them. Such networks possess a rich set of scaling properties. A number of them are scale-free and show striking resilience against random breakdowns. In spite of large sizes of these networks, the distances between most their vertices are short -- a feature known as the ``small-world'' effect. We discuss how growing networks self-organize into scale-free structures and the role of the mechanism of preferential linking. We consider the topological and structural properties of evolving networks, and percolation in these networks. We present a number of models demonstrating the main features of evolving networks and discuss current approaches for their simulation and analytical study. Applications of the general results to particular networks in Nature are discussed. We demonstrate the generic connections of the network growth processes with the general problems of non-equilibrium physics, econophysics, evolutionary biology, etc.
Evolution of Networks: From Biological Nets to the Internet and Www (Relié)
de Serguei N. Dorogovtsev (Auteur), Jose Fernando Ferreira Mendes (Auteur), S. N. Dorogovtsev (Auteur) "The first natural questions to ask about a network are: What does it look like? ..." (plus)
another boy playing with networks
so we prove that most literature growth models (such as linear growth law, Price's. exponential growth law, Rescher's sliding exponential growth law, ...
www.springerlink.com/index/K187373P45062066.pdf - |
biology, co-evolution
is the mutual evolutionary influence between two species. Each party in
a co-evolutionary relationship exerts selective pressures ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Co-evolution - 27k |
In cosmic evolution, ontogeny is regulated by the interplay of physical forces and the results, both in the macro- and the microbranch of co-evolution, are passed on in the form of matter. Whereas macroevolution, in this phase, is at first characterized primarily by the condensation of matter, and therefore by conservative self-organization, different processes play a role in the synthesis of matter in microevolution; they also result in equilibrium structures (stable nuclei and atoms) - or it seems so at least from a macroscopic or intermediate angle of view. The increasingly active co-evolution of both branches seems to bring dissipative self-organization of macrostructures - cores of galaxies and stars - into play. Ontogeny dominates in cosmic evolution. However, there is a kind of unordered "phylogeny" in which matter is transferred criss-cross to new evolutionary sequences. As in the later biological phylogeny, complexity is thereby furthered; here in the form of planetary systems. Also, a controlled long-time burning of smaller stars, such as our sun, is ensured by the carbon cycle which depends on the "phylogeny" of some carbon. This controlled burning, in turn, makes the development of biological complexity on our planet possible. The units of this early phylogeny are highly normalized. The particularities of the history of matter transferred in such a way may be reconstructed only in vague contours, primarily by isotopic ratios which, for example, permit the exact dating of a nearby supernova explosion. In this way, we have only recently discovered something about the supernova which acted as a midwife for our solar system.
some definitions: coevolution is a change in the
genetic composition of one species (or group) in response to a genetic
change in another. ... biomed.brown.edu/Courses/BIO48/27.Coevolution.HTML - 11k |
The Coevolution
Institute's (CoE) mission is to catalyze stewardship of biodiversity.
Since its inception in 1997 as a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation ... www.coevolution.org/ - 10k |
Ruiz-Banos R; Bailon-Moreno R; Jimenez-Contreras E; Courtial JP Structure and dynamics of scientific networks. Part II: The new Zipf's Law, the clusters of ...
www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/ |
Many man made and naturally occurring phenomena, including city sizes, incomes, word frequencies, and earthquake magnitudes, are distributed according to a power-law distribution. A power-law implies that small occurrences are extremely common, whereas large instances are extremely rare. This regularity or 'law' is sometimes also referred to as Zipf and sometimes Pareto. To add to the confusion, the laws alternately refer to ranked and unranked distributions. Here we show that all three terms, Zipf, power-law, and Pareto, can refer to the same thing, and how to easily move from the ranked to the unranked distributions and relate their exponents. |
Example of a Pareto frontier. The boxed points represent feasible ... Given a set of choices and a way of valuing them, the Pareto frontier or Pareto set is ...
(3) An outcome Oi is Pareto optimal just in case no other possible outcome is Pareto superior to it. (4) The Pareto frontier is the set of all of the ...
Tre use of evolutionary algorithms. of this paper is to introduce a novel Pareto frontier Differential Evolution PDE algorithm to solve MOPs.
The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases and its Applications 2nd Ed. Charles Griffin, ..... Power laws, pareto distributions and Zipf's law. Contemp. ...
portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1132952.1132954 |
From the *Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Emory University School of ..... Power laws, Pareto distributions and Zipf's law. ...
www.stdjournal.com/pt/re/std/fulltext.00007435-200708000-00015. |
158 Designing neural networks using genetic algorithms with grap. ... 37 Intrinsic adaptation in a simple model for evolution (context) - Pack |
is a French software publisher and service provider that specializes in
intelligent access to information: semantic search
and navigation
engine, ... www.sinequa.com/en-index.html - |
The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases and its Applications 2nd Ed. Charles Griffin, ..... Power laws, pareto distributions and Zipf's law. Contemp. ...
portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1132952.1132954 |
A number of giant artificial networks of such a kind came into existence recently. This opens a wide field for the study of their topology, evolution, ... arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0106144 - |
EVOLUTION OF NETWORKS. From Biological Nets to the Internet and WWW. SN Dorogovtsev | JFF Mendes. Synopsis · Table of Contents ... sweet.ua.pt/~f2064/b.html - |
[PDF] Growth dynamics of the World wide Web - all 13 versions »
BA Huberman, LA Adamic - J. Reprod. Fertil, 1993 - hpl.hp.com
... tively crawling the web. The distribution of site sizes for crawls by Alexa and
Infoseek is shown in Fig. 1. Both data sets display a power law over several ...
Cited by 368 - Related Articles - View as HTML - Web Search
Search in power-law networks - all 20 versions »
LA Adamic, RM Lukose, AR Puniyani, BA Huberman - Physical Review E, 2001 - APS
... Furthermore, it has been shown that the Internet backbone has a power-law distribution
with exponent values between 2.15 and 2.2 2 , and web page hyperlinks ...
Cited by 549 - Related Articles - Web Search - BL Direct
[PDF] Zipf’s law and the Internet - all 10 versions »
LA Adamic, BA Huberman - Glottometrics, 2002 - hpl.hp.com
... However, the World Wide Web is anything but fixed ... when one computes an exponentially
weighted mixture of lognormals one obtains a power-law distribution exactly ...
Cited by 104 - Related Articles - View as HTML - Web Search
[PDF] Evolutionary Dynamics of the World Wide Web - all 2 versions »
BA Huberman, LA Adamic - Arxiv preprint cond-mat/9901071, 1999 - arxiv.org
... new sites are created at different times in the unfolding story of the Web. This
leads to the prediction of a universal power law in the distribution of the ...
Cited by 57 - Related Articles - View as HTML - Web Search
The Web's hidden order - all 8 versions »
LA Adamic, BA Huberman - Communications of the ACM, 2001 - portal.acm.org
... In order to explain the power law distribution of site sizes, one needs to consider
two additional factors that determine the growth of the Web: sites appear ...
Cited by 84 - Related Articles - Web Search - BL Direct
Herr, Bruce
W. Ke, Weimao Hardy,
Elisha Borner, Katy analysis of co-actor network (parallel: the the actor network analysis of greek and roman mythology) |